Wednesday, January 30, 2008

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Nathan's results


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Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Looking for payday loan?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

i found this on a blog i've been reading-'wife and mom of two"
it really shook me up-it's everything i want to say, but couldn't find the eloquence to express myself. Well, here it is-my heart, expressed by another sister in the Lord

The Horrid Facts
Abortion is murder. If we believe abortion is murder, we should act like it is murder.
As of 2007, nearly 50 million innocent babies have been slaughtered in America’s killing fields — the abortion mills — in ways too gruesome to describe, and horrifying to behold. The blood of innocent souls cries out for justice asking, “How long, oh Lord?”
Perhaps more horrifying is this: this holocaust has continued because of the compromise, cowardice, and outright treachery of the Christian community. Our response to murder is woefully unequal to our rhetoric.
If those who claim to be Christians from the Catholic and Evangelical worlds would simply have obeyed the dictates of their faith, this holocaust would have been vanquished decades ago. Our Simple Duty…
We must solemnly declare that we will no longer quietly coexist with the killing fields. We vow to end the slaughter in concrete ways, such as:
By boldly speaking out for the unborn in every arena available — private conversations, e-mails and blogs, literature, letters to the editor, call in radio shows, TV shows, and any other means available.
By running for office; helping in a political campaign; volunteering at a pregnancy center; sidewalk counseling at abortion mills; and a hundred other hands-on activist ways.
By not giving money, time, or effort to any candidate, party, or organization that promotes the murder of the innocent.
By only voting for candidates committed to move our laws toward protecting the unborn, and are committed to bring an end to child killing.
By – and please forgive our bluntness – by making life hell for the murderers of the innocent — the entire of abortion industry. We must protest, expose, confront, challenge, stigmatize, and humiliate them in every legal and non-violent way possible. We treat abortion mills as they are: death camps; the portals of hell; and we refuse to let them commit their foul and grizzly deeds in peace.
We create a crisis, and replace the child-killers in power, until it is totally illegal and undesirable to murder unborn children anywhere in the U.S.A.

amen, Lord. Please let this resonate with the people that read this blog.