Saturday, September 10, 2005

i have been dwelling on the wonder and mystery of the human body-specifically, the female body. I am expecting my third child in May. The incredible self-sacrifice (dealing with the nausea, tiredness, circulation problems, compounded by having two little ones running around) and the incredible gift and honor it is to be given even one child- let alone 3! Lord, let me be worthy-Let my children rise up and call me blessed! I've studied the mechanics of pregnancy and labor extensively. It's an intricate dance. God takes so much time and effort with each and everyone of us. I am afraid of the pain of labor. I'm afraid i won't make it through again without drugs- and I want what's best for my baby. I made it though drug-free with my first baby, and the incredible contrast between all that PAIN and holding my child in my arms was the most incredible rush of my life.
I love my children