Thursday, April 05, 2007

I heard just about the best sales pitch in my life last night-simple me, I didn't know it was a sales pitch until I told Nathan about it, but anyways, here is what happened.

I was sitting in the car waiting for Nathan to get off work, and a street kids walked up. He made the usual icebreaking comment by complimenting my dreads, then leaned over and said "hey, I got a question for you"
I said "yes?" He said "What would you do if someone gave you an eighth of a bag of weed and 3 ounces of hash? I just don't know what to do with it"
I thought for a second and said "I'd throw it away. Drugs are evil. Just go throw it away, man.
As if he hadn't heard me he said again "I just don't know what I'm going to do with it.

I thought that this encounter was rather strange. Did he want me to buy it? Tell him to smoke it?
If it really was a sales pitch, he should become a businessman.