Friday, May 05, 2006


Seriously. I had no fear leaving my kids with Renae. And that's saying alot. I love watching her with my kids. How can you not love someone who sighs with delight over your children and says they give her baby fever? I was so blessed to have her down here for two weeks. It felt like such a holiday because she was here. And I knew my kids would have a great time with her here alone when I was in the hospital. I am so thankful to have Renae for a friend. I called her at 8:00ish at night and she drove all the way down here from the Land (a six hour trip) and was our slave for two weeks. She truly is WonderWoman-which reminds me, for those who don't know-she has a The name of her blog is WonderWoman.


devon said...

What a blessing. I wish i could've been there too. Now i just count the days til we can come see you. Not that i will be helpful, but i will happy and doting with love for a favorite friend and her perfect family.


I love you Sara and your babies