Saturday, October 28, 2006

Finally a Doula

I met a couple last spring at Farmers Market. They were selling tie-dyes trying to make money and I was massively pregnant with Abigail. The girl got really excited when she saw my belly and told me she had just found out she was pregnant. I love pregnant women. Nothing kills my shyness quicker. They introduced themselves as Mama Love and Cosmo, and i saw them at coffeehouse a few more times, and they made it up to our place in Ben Lomond once, before they took off for the rainbow gathering. Love showed a really strong attraction to being around Christians, so I told her how to get a hold of friends of ours that were going to be there, in the hopes that she'd really connect with them. She didn't, and as they were going to Wyoming to live and get ready for their baby, I thought i'd never see them again.
I was walking down the street after coffeehouse one night and who happened down the street, but Mama Love and Cosmo. And this time, they had her son with them, a two year old boy, and she was weeks away from her due date. They came back to try to find a place here. We got to help them out a little bit here and there, and she called me last sunday to tell me her water broke. Monday night when I talked to them their hadn't been much progress, so I went up to see what I could do. I ended up leaving 2 hours later, but they called me back before I even left the parking lot.
I stayed, with Abigail, til 6:00 in the morning. I went back around 11:30, again with Abigail, and she had her baby at 2:10.

It was awesome. I thought I would be clueless and afraid, but it was the most natural thing ever. She really didn't need much help, so it was a perfect first time. And Abigail was perfect! I didn't know I could do it with a baby along.

Please pray for this little family, they are in a hotel right now, still looking for a place. They can come stay here if they need to, but they really want an apartment of their own.


Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful that you got to be there and help. It is one of the most rewarding things to help someone give birth and have a good experience doing it.

Lisa said...

I was thinking just the other day how I wished you were here to be my doula this time! And wondering what I was thinking not having your help the last time?!