Friday, April 07, 2006


I'm 26 today! I crossed over to the late twenties. Weird. I was talking to a friend the other day (she's 32) and she was commenting on how young I was to have 3 kids already. I don't feel young to be on number 3. Maybe cuz I had Bella when I was 21. I wonder if I will ever feel like an adult. Adults are still are a separate category on my mind. I have to admit, the line has been blurring a little bit lately, though.
I am always so glad each year that my birthday is in the spring. It's usually so warm and beautiful. Spring is my absolute favorite.
I've been hit with a new sadness today. I have been blessed to spend most of my birthdays as a Christian at the Land, or around Prodigal Project. Land birthdays are the BEST. People pop up all day with a favorite possesion to give you because they love you so much, and at night they try to make your party a surprise and trick you to going up to the big house and Elena bakes the biggest cake ever and everyone pigs out on her wonderful baking. And the card! That's always been my favorite. I have every birthday card I've ever gotten from the Land. Everyone signs it, it's so special.
Today just seems like a regular day. Nathan is at work. I'm here. I guess that's normal. I wonder how many other ways I've been spoiled silly by living at the Land.

biggest cake ever


Rebeca said...

If I were closer I could bake a big cake for you!
I finally mailed that book the other day. Sorry it took so long.
Have a good day.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Hooray!!!! [banging on tables, clapping, shouting, horns blowing, dogs barking, drums pounding, random objects clanging]

1weirdgirl said...

happy birthday sweetie...
someone told me that 26 still counts as mid twenties, cuz i said the same thing about being it late 20's... maybe it's the sub concious effort to feel like an adult... i don't know that i'll ever get there... i don't even feel like a mom... but i guess i just don't know what that's supposed to feel like.. probably not what we think...or maybe i just picture a perfect mom, and i feel so far from any degree of perfection, and adult seems like it should feel together and in control, and i think i lost that so long ago it's a foriegn concept to me now...
but maybe that's just how it should be...