Saturday, April 22, 2006

Born April 20th at 11:26 am, after an hour and a half labor (yay!)
7 pounds 11 ounces
20 inches long
Totally precious
our first baby with black hair!


julie said...

precious, precious, precious
what a cutie. congratulations on your latest blessing. enjoy all that newness of learning to nurse all over again, sleeping all cuddled up, swaddling her, changing lots of diaper and gazing at your miracle.

Rebeca said...

Congratulations!! I'm so glad she arrived safely and is in your arms now! Enjoy every moment!
Hey, could you use some cloth diapers? I have a bunch of nice unbleached cotton prefolds that I used for a short while but are in really good shape. Let me know and I'll send them if you want.
I pray that she is an easy baby and the transistion goes smoothly for you all.
Bless you,

Lisa said...

An hour and a half?! I'm so jealous! I was wondering if she was here since I haven't seen you on the blog scene. I'll never forget her birthday - it's the same as my little sister's. Oh what a sweet time! Even when you're so sleep deprived, try to remember that she'll only be this little for such a short time and you have to cherish every minute! It's crazy how it whizzes by! I never would have believed it.

Rae said...

I'll never forget her birthday either. 4/20! hee hee. She's so beautiful! Good job, Sara.

Elena said...

My first reaction: she is giving a total Nathan look in the first pic! Then I realized it's also a Bella look! couldn't have waited one more day so she could be my birthday buddy?!

devon said...

oh my goodness, your new baby is perfect and wonderful and your labor sounded great. boy oh boy do i want to see your little five pack. i just love you tons. and happy birthday abigail (pretty name lovely girl!), happy birthday sara.

Anonymous said...

Abigail-- that mean's "father's delight", doesn't it? So happy for you guys.
John, Rachel, and Aria