Sunday, December 11, 2005

Tree by Leaf
"Something Unconditional"
from Evening Treatise

You may think
you've got the answer
resting in your head

But you know it's not of Jesus
that brings you to the edge
Soon enough you think it's over
It's really just began
When you think you're close to heaven
you find you're on the run

It's plain to see the tears you're hiding
you never hide them all
You think how can He still love me
when everythings' my fault
just remember every sparrow
how little they can do
yet He feeds every tiny sparrow
think how much He loves you

so when you stop
and think of heaven
smile because you know
it's not a land of house or mangers
it'll soon be your home

And if you ever get discouraged
think of what He's done
God saw we needed forgiveness

and let us kill His Son