Saturday, December 03, 2005


We had an unexpected guest on Thanksgiving. A homeless kid with no family bumped into some friends of ours and when asked how he was doing, he burst into tears. We had the privilege of bringing him into our home for a few days. I spoiled him with lattes and Nathan spoiled him with movies and unlimited computer access. But my Bella, my little girl, blessed him the most, I think. She walked up to him and earnestly said "Jesus died on the cross! He died for me, Hannah, mommy, daddy, and He died for YOU!
I thought my heart was going to burst with joy. My 3 year old, preaching the gospel. I don't know why i'm so surprised that God has answered my prayers for her, that she would love Him even now, as a child. But He has. She loves Him. That was such a precious gift on Thanksgiving, to see my daughters' heart for the Lord. I see pure evangelism in her- so much love bubbling up in her heart that she has to speak of it.