Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Emergency Room

Is there ever any more scary, tedious ordeal a parent has to go through then taking their child to the emergency room? I took the children over to see the cows today. Just after I commented to Christie (my friend was with us) on how safe the pasture was and how comfortable I felt letting the kids run around, Bella ran up and told me she had an owie. The cows are encased behind a fence of barbwire. I've told the children not to touch, but Bella has been learning by experience lately. I had to take her in to get a tetanus shot. Scary. There's a small possibility that she would actually get it, but you don't want to play around. Nathan and I don't immunize our children, but if there's a definate threat it seems wiser to prevent it. Bella loves the doctor. The blood pressure cuff, the thermometer, the pulse reader, everything. She has such a confidence that doctors can fix anything. A confidence I don't share, unfortanately. Which is why the emergency room is so scary. After seeing them monkey around with my kids and do more harm than good the majority of the time (sometimes NO good at all) I'm pretty wary of them. And to top it all, they didn't even have a pediatric dose of tetanus, so she ended up getting diptheria, tetanus and pertussis. I wonder though, if she needed it. God works all things for the good. We constantly pray for the safety of our kids, maybe He was answering that prayer today. And all she knows is, she got a sucker. Bonus.