Tuesday, November 01, 2005


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You know when something is so obvious you don't even see it and then one day it smacks you in the face? Well, I got smacked last week. I hate summer! when we first moved to the Land, (in the summer) I thought I hated the Land. But by fall, I was completely totally in love with it. The same thing happened the next summer. I hated the Land again. And boy was I confused this LAST summer, because I thought I hated Santa Cruz, which is definately one of my favorite cities. The mind is a funny thing. How can something that belongs to us, is a central part of us, hide so much from us? I find that I am constantly discovering little things about myself that make me feel like I was blind and have been given sight. I love fall. I love spring. There's a freshness and wildness present that are missing in the summer, and sometimes the winter. But i love winter, too. I love visiting Cape Cod in the fall. The riot of color, the brisk strong wind that imparts life and strength. I think I hate summer partly because there's no way you can put a hoodie on and be comfortable. And the spring! Where i grew up, everything turns black in the winter. Everything is dead. The snow is beautiful, but that turns black, too, from all the cars and pollution. You can freeze to death in michigan, in the winter. Then spring comes, with its first warm gentle breezes. It's like a warm caress. And the thunderstorms, glorious. Everything gets all gloomy and cloudy buts its warm, warm, warm. I actually think I've loved every place I've ever lived.
I just hate summer.

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