Wednesday, November 09, 2005

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I wonder sometimes what my whole life will look like when it's over. I wonder whats ahead of me. I'm so used to living in peace and prosperity (aka: being an american)
that i wonder how long it will last. I have a deep love for history (genetically passed on from my dad) and its a fact that suffering plays the biggest role. When will America's turn come? Will it, in my lifetime? It seems almost definate. I know Jesus was talking about the fall of Jerusalem when He said "Woe to those with child or who give suck in those days" but I wonder sometimes it that will ever apply to me. I worry about my children-what pain will they face? Because they will face pain-of one kind or another. By the way, I'm reading Rise and Fall of the Third Reich right now, so i'm pretty gloomy. I mean, my gosh, the anti-christ will be worse than THAT!!!! But whenever I start getting scared of the future, of death, of my children being hurt, this great hope and trust rises up in me and I actually get HAPPY. Because my times are in His hands, and He does all things well.
I equate death will childbirth. death will probably hurt, however it comes, but the result: Glorious.
And any suffering I undergo He can use for His glory. Everyone suffers, but our suffering is given a purpose and meaning.
And we have the Good Sheperd to carry us through.


Rebeca said...

Hey Sara! This is Rebeca from Oregon. I just found your blog from a post you left on Leilah's and it's been cool to read it and see pics of you and your sweet family. I'm SO thankful that you are loving being a wife and Mama and loving Jesus most of all. It's the best! IT was great to see you at Christy's wedding. I'd love to ehar form you. you can check out my blog if you like!
Blessings to you,