Tuesday, March 28, 2006


yup. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo bitter. I'm fighting it, but it's pretty strong right now. What does it take to get a little bit of help here? I mean, c'mon, I'm pregnant, I have gestational diabetes, I need to get my insulin and FOOD. NO ONE I've called for a ride seems like they even care that they're saying no. I'm not asking for a ride to go have fun or anything. I'm deeply hurt that I can't seem to get help from anyone, and my heart is trying to protect itself from the pain by producing bitterness. And what makes it worse is it's so humiliating. I HATE asking for help-especially when I know i'll probably get turned down. Please pray for me, I really need more insulin, I need to get to costco, and I have a doctors appointment Friday. Our van came home last night and had to go back in today. We get an estimate tommorow.
Oh man. I'm really sad.


Anonymous said...

Dear God of the universe, our Lord and King, who knows every need before we ask or think, please, I pray, and ask, for your comfort, healing, love, provision, miricle, whatever it takes to show you the hero that You are in this situation... please Lord, be with Sara now in her time of need... be all that she needs, meet her right where she is, do not fail her, according to Your love and promises, do not forsake her... You are so able, let it be that You are willing as well, to see that her body and her baby not be harmed, that at the very least her essential needs be met, and yet, as is pleasing to You, that above and beya
ond all our hopes, she be blessed
thank you,