Friday, March 03, 2006


I've had a wake up call about my health lately. my health is always something i've been careless with. I guess I think I'm still a teenager, when I just trashed my body (I lived on ciggerates and coffee, mostly, with bagels) and nothing ever had any long-term effect. I'm dealing with an illness now that if I don't keep the changes I've had to make, and actually make more drastic changes once I have this baby, I will almost certainly have diabetes within 5 years. Ouch. What a slap in the face. I'm not invincible. I was so confidant that jsut changing my diet would resolve my high blood sugars. Which brings me to the next thing that's freaking me out-the insulin. I have to give myself shots-in the belly. Where my baby lives. I think Christie and Elena summed up how I feel about that- (they said the same thing) it's just creepy.
Maybe I'm overreacting, I don't know. The shots don't hurt at all, except in my mind. I dread it all day. But, thank God, it's just once a day. Insulin dependant diabetics have to do four shots a day.
All of this has brought home in a new way my absolute frailty and dependance on God.
Please pray for me, that it'll get easier to do the shots.


Rae said...

I love you Sara, I'm sorry you're going through this... I'm praying for you.

1weirdgirl said...

i will be praying for you... i can't even imagine how hard it is, but i know our God is good, and He is with you through this...