Thursday, March 23, 2006

This week has been so crazy- I don't even know where to start. Our van finally quit last Saturday. It's been in the shop since Monday. God's timing is so perfect. Two of our dear friends came on Saturday to visit for a few days, and they were able to get Nathan up and down the hill to the bus stop for work. And run us to do the errands we needed to do. They were also generous enough to offer to get our car towed with their triple A card. Thanks, Elena and Curtis!!!
It'll be another $379 to get it fixed. So we've spent almost $800 dollars to get it worked on in the past month. Where on earth does all this extra money come from? I do our budget, and we don't make this much. It sucks that our car is broken, but we actually have the money to fix it, which is a miracle. Another little cool side note to God's timing- it rained every morning Curtis and Elena were here- when Nathan had a ride down to the bus. The weather was perfect today. He had to walk all the way down, but praise God, not in the rain! We live on a mountain, and it's almost 3 miles down to the highway. He's been able to hitch back up when needed, too. My wonderful husband. He works so hard for us.
My blood sugar is finally stablized. I think the Sweet Success nurses (the gestational diabetes program) were the problem. I would go in with good numbers, and they kept adding in the bad numbers and stressing me out. My doctor said I didn't have to see them anymore. Stress elevates blood sugar, but how do you keep from being stressed when something is stressful? Usually that adds more stress.
And I had a non-stress test yesterday, and the results were perfect. The baby is really healthy.
The sun is out today and I feel terrific. The air is like a kiss from Jesus.