Monday, March 27, 2006

God's Timing

This is a gift from the Lord that constantly amazes me. Bella and Hannah and I all had the stomach flu this past week. Bella got it first, then me, then Hannah. But with no overlapping. God knows I couldn't have handled them both being sick at once. And I definately couldn't have taken care of them-the shape I was in. And it just happened to be Nate's day off, the day I got sick. So he took care of me all day, and watched the kids. Then, as soon as I laid down last night to go to sleep, feeling SO much better, Hannah started throwing up. It's interesting, cuddling a sick toddler all night in their fire truck toddler-sized bed. I always sleep with the kids when their sick, and as Hannah's bed has a plastic sheet and ours doesn't, hers was the obvious choice. It's so amazing how much comfort I bring her, just by holding her in my arms. Everything I do now is laying a foundation for what kind of relationship we'll have when their older. Hannah won't remember me sleeping in her bed with her, comforting her all night as she threw up, and losing almost a whole nights sleep myself. But it builds into her associating me with comfort and support. I love my girls.


Rae said...

Things seem rough for you right now, Sara... I'm praying for you!

1weirdgirl said...

me and ed were just talking about this, how maybe the reason you don't remember being one and two,or three sometimes, is cuz all that memory is really taken up by the huge foundational stuff of who you are and relating to people and the world around you, all the stuff that is second nature to us now... so it's not like you can't remember cuz it was so long ago, it's that it was the time you formed who you are and who the most common people in your life are.
it made us realize, (again cuz there's a million remeinders all the time), how serious our job is right now, in teaching our children, and basically forming their minds and self esteem, ans sense of value, and soooo much it blew us away...