Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Lil Bruiser is back!!! She started moving real strong again.
I realized something. The internet is a great, great, wonderful source of information, but it's not something I should be relying on to research gestational diabetes. They DO warn you to monitor your baby, and that if the baby is moving less, it's bad. But, the moving less is a side effect of pre-eclampsia, which I definately don't have. Which wasn't mentioned on one of the sites I looked at. Sigh. I feel good. I just entered back into the day-dreaming stage, wondering what this baby will look like, be like. I've been looking at pictures of Bella and Hannah as newborns. Babies are so different. Such a precious stage-and it goes so quick. I'm in week 33,and now that I'm getting closer to the end, I'm remembering what this is all for, (duh) a new little sweet baby.


Darlene Schacht said...

I'm glad I popped in here on a happy day--I'm new here. I just read a bit, but I like you already.

Lisa said...

That's great to hear Sara! Just a little reassurance can make such a big difference.

1weirdgirl said...

yay!! good news!! ya the internet can really be bad for pregnant women... cuz you already worry so much you know, and then you get all these ideas you never would've had otherwise... my midwives told me to stop looking up things on the internet or i'd turn into a hypocondriac... well i'm happy for you, and love you, take care